Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Traditionally the tribals and other indigenous communities of India settled their village and community disputes by their own legal institutions based on their customary laws, such as in the case of Bhils it is called Bhidha. A Bidha is a form of Bhil Panchayat, folk court in which the Bhils settle their disputes, through referendum, transparency, instantly, cheaply, justly and the best way as compared to to the expensive, manipuative, corrupt, delayed, non transparent, and defactive system of today.

The present system of court, police, lawyers etc have made the tribal communities of India very poor. Their 60% of the hard earned money is invested by the pesent legal system for fighting justice which is beyond their means making them almost leading into huge debts, What is the use of such system in which non the tribals or indigenous peoples are benefiting but the non tribals. But the tribal way of maintaining law and order, protecting their human rights ,cultural rights, indigenous rights, in the case of the Bhils through Bidhas should be restored. The non tribals have introduced the court and other systems for the breaching of tribal rights and exploiting the tribals enormously. This has way of imposing 'imported' legal system is not of the tribals, which has weakened tribal communities of India since the tribal customs and cultural ways of life are not in keeping with the legal system which is introduced falsely, consequently they are exploited and looted through the present legal systems.

In the tribal system justice is immediate, cheap and transparent. The Bhil Bhidhas and Bhil Panchayats should be restored for the protection of their human, cultural and legal rights immediate effects...

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