Today the SC, ST & OBC communities are most deprived, marginalised and neglected by all the sections of Indian communities including 98% of the Christian and non christian NGOs who claim to have come to the isolated regions of these communities to save from being lost in oblivion, with exceptions to Jesuit Missionaries and SDB Missionaries in certain Central and Eastern tribal zones of India with practically no exceptions,filling their own pockets, channellising tribal and other funds elsewhere, further impoverishing these communities espcially the tribals while establishing their communities and kins, as it very evident in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Gujarat besides other states in India. The need of the hour is to protect frm the so called social workers, NGOs etc the human rights of all types, Otherwise the second slavery of the tribals shall be impossible to lberate from the clutches of their Indian bretheren.
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Saturday, December 6, 2008
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