Saturday, March 7, 2009


Ancient India was the land of Indigenous / Adivasi / tribal or Deshaj peoples who in the anthropological language are called autochthons. Gradually in the course of time more powerful people encroached in their habitats and enslaved them socially, culturally, politically and religiously them in North and Central India. The well known autochthons among these peoples whose history and culture had already developed to a certain level were the Nishads, Nags, Bhils, Gonds, Santhals, Warlis, etc such indigenous groups of the country.

Today their folklore and culture is in great danger of vanishing due to the lack of recognition by the more able peoples or castes of India. One idea is being popularised that the traditional identity of these 85% peoples be conveniently vanished and that they be assimilated in the Dalits category. A historical fact or mistake that no one shall absolve them, hence it is the time to alert the persons working for the overall human and cultural rights of Adivasis, poor, marginalised and indigenous peoples, to take a note to study the ancient history, traditional culture, folklore and original identity of these 85% peoples of India.

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