It is believed that some 67 % of the indigenous folks of the world live in Asia and good many are in the form of Scheduled Tribes whom we can Adivasi. Adi means original and vasi meaning residents, inhabitants of this Nishad Desh. This name was given to these Deshaj or original peoples or inhabitants by no other than the 'outsiers' who came to their geographical habitats as invaders as the histry and prehistory suggests or indicates. Ever since this name has rightfully stuck to them, though due to some reasons these names are being played or under mutation.
Among these indigenous folks of Indian Subcontinent the oldest and largests among them are the autochthons , indigenous of those days are the Nishads the pre historic people of the good old or bygone days whose main remnats are the Bhils of today who are also known with many regional and local names in these states. These are actually speaking not the very people who were called Asuras, Rakshas or giants in the ancient days. They were the people of this category such as the kings, princes and community chiefs of those days who are indiscriminately narrated so, Eklavya, Shabri and many others are the remnants of them. Due to the social enounters with the invading races, castes and people their culture regressed, they were suppressed and they lost or deproved totally of their language, cultures, religion, land, states, status, dignity, identiy and illogically assimilated . This Nishad Land streched far and wide a territory beyond the comprehension of today's mind. They occupied a territory streching today Uttarpradesh, Punjab, Pakistan, Sindh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Chhatisgargh, Parts of Andhra, Tripura, Assam and so on. One can no longer imagine the area they ocupied in those days without having the idea of history of these Nishad Desh peoples. They are the original adivasis of this subcontinent whose physical, cultural, social hsitory needs to be revived, respected and to some or geater extent restored.
Their life, culture, society, folklore, relgion, values, world views, dignity, needs to be recognised and restoed within the Constitutional framework of India in view to their social, cultural human and other rights as 5th and 6th Schedule also supports. Today this section of the people in the Indian subcontinent are under serious threats of survival due to the oppression and negligence by the mainstream people. Similar status should be restored for more than 500 Adivasi folks of India who are seriously suffering for their basic human survival against the onslaughts of the stronger ones in India where progressive policies are being framed for the survival of competent and doom of the weaker ones.
SEO By Black Soft
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