The Bhils are possibly more that 150 millions all over the country known under various regional and local names. They are spread in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Chhatisgargh, West Begal, Assam, Tripura and also in Pakistan. This is one of the community of India which is largely neglected by the mainstream communities even though some claiming to work for them about their society, culture, folklore, language, religioun, worldviews and values, festivals, tribal heroes, folk-history, ancient Bhil land, demographic presence, schedued areas, etc including by the Church NGOs working in the Bhil regions claiming to be honestly dedicated to the uplisftment of the Bhils. By and by, the Bhils under these external influences, forms of tribal development imposed and exploitations, even though billions and billions of Rupees came for them did not reach to them. It is a matter of seriuous regrett. On the contrary, the others in the name of developing the Bhils have far and wide developed themselves and imposed on the Bhils their own way of life, including the missionaries of regular and free churches.Some of the so called NGOs are working among the Bhils for more than 100 years under whom the Bhils have regressed and not progressed. If they continue to impose their ideas and life style the existence of the Bhils will be vanished.
Bhilvani is but a humble attempt to elevate the Bhils through a methodology called adivasikaran, as the eminent cultural anthropologist of India Prof. Sachidananda calls it a wholistic and ideal approach for the tribal development in India.
Bhilvani is a weekly news and views magazine committed for the protection of their human and cultural rights against the mainstream invasions under several damaging factors, while innovating, preservng, promoting and integrating the Bhils in the national mainstream as the respectable citizens of the country. Bhilvani has made a humble beginning. It is being written, edited in Bhili Mathias Bhuriya and published by a Bhil himself from Jhabua. All the NGOs if they are interested in the Bhils should promote the language, culture and society of the Bhils otherwise a day is not far when the Bhil community shall face the final face of suppression.
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