The Bhils or Adivasi community who Jhabua district including the present district of Alirajpur is the archaic or the indigenous tribal community of India as an eminent cutural anthropologist of India Dr. Stephen Fuchs SVD often called. Prior to the coming of Outsiders to the home land of the Bhils called Nishad Land in the ancient days in the North India, they were the rulers, village cheifs, petty kings, kings of ranks who are described indiscriminately described as Asuras or Rakshashas or Giants in the Ramayana, Mahabharata, Upnishadas or other sanscritic literatures. Ever since the coming of non-Nishadas, or non Bhils to the land of these indigenous peoples, they have constantly fought unsuccessful wars with Aryans, Rjputs, Moguls, Marathas and Brtitish peoples and all others till today since the outsiders were more able and competent as compared to these indigenous folks . As a consequence of these encounters,in the history from prehistoric times till today, the incoming peoples have done great injustice to the Nishadas or the Bhils till today. Their geographial space vastely shrunk like that of the ancient Gondwana, or their land was alienated, society and culture was damaged and destroyed, language and folklore was discouraged, they were illogically or irrationally assimilated, destory and their history was unwritten , their heroes were killed and their names are wiped away from their history, as a whole their till today being wiped away from the face of Nishad-Land. But the Constitution of India under the pioneering leadership of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar upholds their overall human rights with dignity for the safe and legal revival if need be.
To forget these historical, social, cultural and over all psychological tradgedies they drink, sing and dance. The money lenders, alcohol merchants and the non tribals encourage them to drink more and more so that the resources which are further remaining may go to them easily and automatically. Only from the district of Jhabua including Alirajpur some worth of over 100 crores worth of alcohol is being consumed and no NGOs have seriously taken the cause of uplifting the tribals since they too want to be beneficiries of the inheriting the remaining resources of the Bhils.
Website By Black Soft
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