Indian subcontinent is the home of the many races, castes, languages, deities, art, costumes, paintings, religions and peoples. Today in India 85% of such type of peoples thrieving for their basic survivial. In the ancient times, Nishads, Bhils, Gonds, Santhals, Nagas, Warlis, Bhilalas, Jesukumbas, Oraons, etc had their own states, chiefdoms and even kingdoms. One such a kind of the indigenous peoples of India was of the Gond tribe which is even today one of the most potent and socially and demographically and geographically important tribe is called Gonds. Furer Christoph-Haimendorf a British cultural anthropologist, Stephen Fuchs of Vienna and other Indian antheropologists made a good contribution to the study of their culture, history and folklore of the Gond tribe of India. Central India it is widely spread in 5 states including Madhya Pradesh. The Gonds had their ancient kindgdoms of one of which was Ravana as their great kin and hero. The last of their king was Rana Sanga under whom the Gonds fought their last war against Akbar's army in the 16th century also under their dear princess Rani Durgawat.
Today the Gonds are reviving their ancient adivasitva or tribalness in Madhya Pradesh with Mandla as their prime base democratically under the leadership of Gondwana Ganatantra Party(GGP). for their human rights, adivasi rights, tribal rights, civil rights, cultural rights, leadership rights, language and other rights, geopgraphical rights, and so on are being fought and demanded. The state assembly elections of Madhya Pradesh are goning to take place in 10 days time from now on. Last elections took place some five years back when GGP had given good fight and this time the Bahmins, Rajputs and Hiogh Caste peoples dominated parties especially like that of Congress and BJP the indigenous peoples party(GGP) due to the above mentioned issues shall give a strong and irksome fight. Alll the rights and issues related to the Tribal India or Adivasi India or the Indigenous peoples of India who are 85% today in India shalll ememrge on the regional, and national level. This shall be a national pointer where the indigenous peoples of India such as SC, ST and OBC under the leadership of BSP whose leader is Mayavati are also giving a strong fight in GGP area and supporting the Gonds as well. Let us wait as see whether the party which is spear heading all these disregarded and denied and denigraded human rights issues how much they manage in the line of success.
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