The pre-historians of India and Europe have called the Bhils residing in the Indian subcontinent as autochthons. Their origin and history is totally concealed in the mystery and mist of timeof the remote past. One thing is certain to the pre-historians, physical anthropologists, cultural anthropologists, historians that they are different race having their own blood group, world views, values, religion and folklore ,etc. The culture of the Bhils or the Nishadas in Vedic and even pre Vedic era had reached a certain level of cultural growth. Remnants of the same we can see in Ramayan, Mahabharata in the unique charachters of Eklavya,Shabari etc. The Asuras of that time were not the real giants but the Nishada, Deshaj, Adivasi or the tribal kings and royal kings and pricnes of those bygone and glorious days of the present day Adivasi whose history, culture and society regressed after the coming of non adivasi peoples into their geographical space. The Great Nishad-Desh was stretching from Central, North(including Pakistan) Wedstern and partly Southern parts of India to many other regions. A fact that is not known to many but cannot be denied. Dr. Stephen Fuchs, Dr. S.L.Doshi, Dr. Wilhelm Koppers, Prof. Brij Raj Chauhan, L. Jungblut, Dr. T.B.Naik, Dr. Nemichand Jain. Dr. J.K. Doshi, Dr. Y.V.S.Nath and many others hold to this view. The Nishadas of those days and their major persisting social group in the form of the Bhils and their values still persist up to this day. This is because this was th different race altogether.
Today this race in the form of Bhils, known also under many regional and local names is thrieving for the physical, social and cultural survival. If we put together all these persisting groups of Bhils spread over many states of India specially Rajasthan, Punjab, Pakistan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Orissa, Chhatisgargh, West Bengal, Tripua, Assam, etc it will form the biggest or the largest indigenous proup of India. Hence it shall be able to form its own geographical space in the form of a state within the of the healthy survival to maintain thier own human and cultural and religious rights with are very much denied today.
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